Setup DNSCrypt with Dnsmasq

Typically DNS requests are not encrypted or signed at all. This means an attacker which is in a man-in-the-middle position could spy on you to check out with websites you are visiting or to redirect you to a malicious website. Hence DNSCrypt got developed to improve security and protect privacy. This blog post is about how to setup DNSCrypt with the Linux tool Dnsmasq.

Some Vim Basics

The blog post covers several useful commands for the text editor Vim.


My blog now has a search function to search through the blog entries easily.

Autostart OpenVPN Tunnel on Windows

This tutorial explains how to create a new windows service to connect to a given OpenVPN server on system start. The setup was tested on a Windows 7 and Windows 10 machine. To successfully finish this tutorial, a working OpenVPN configuration file is a precondition.

Some useful Bash commands

This blog post includes a few useful Bash commands. Other blog posts will follow.

Run a Flask application via uWSGI and Nginx

uWSGI can be used to serve a web application developed with the Python framework Flask. This technology is also in use for my own blog. There are several ways how to setup uWSGI, but this blog post will cover how to manage it via systemd.

Talk at IT-SeCX 2016

On the 4th of November I present some stuff about Android vulnerabilities combined with open WiFi at the IT-SeCX 2016.